We have a responsibility to our clients, ourselves and our family (and so many others) to be doing absolutely EVERYTHING we can be doing. We must keep ourselves moving forward to keep our economy moving forward!
But Yoselyn, “how”? Let me share with you the simple steps you MUST be doing today and every day to see success past Q2.
1. Suit up and Boot up- Did you know that production levels increase by 60% or more if you get dressed as if you are going into the office for a presentation? Dress the part!
2. Two HOP EVERY Day! If you are doing more, great! Keep that $#!% up! If you’re not, consider this your kick in the @$$
a. One hour should be spent on your PC/SOI
b. One hour should be spent on all your online leads and anyone that said they were going to buy and/or sell in 2020.
3. One strategy session per day- A buyer consultation and/or listing presentation. But Yoselyn, buyers and sellers want to wait until this is all behind them, what do I say to that? (Text, email or call me and I’ll give you a script called: “I want to wait…” or click on the link below)
4. Track and Measure- I’ve said it a million/gazillion times, how can you get to XX if you don’t know where you’ve been? Set aside 30 minutes at the end of each day to log in your day (whether in PIVOT, your calendar etc.)
5. Reset your Mindset- Look, these difficult times can be trying to the best of us but that doesn’t mean that you have to follow the “chicken little” mentality. You have all the control you need, watch a comedy, take a walk, take a shower with cold water, etc. You get the gist!
For many our biggest enemy is between our ears! Now go do like Nike and “Just DO IT”!
“Success if your ONLY option”!